Be Informed

Being informed on a home inspection is very important. But unless you use "ampacity" or "elastomeric" in your everyday lingo, there may be some unfamiliar terms in your home inspection report. That is why we have provided the glossary below. Simply enter your search...

Home Inspectors In Boca Raton

Home Inspectors in Boca Raton - When I think of all the home inspectors here in Boca Raton, it is actually quite amazing. There are so many to choose from. So how can you choose the right home inspector for you? Well, first of all I am a little partial, as I am a well...

Leave Us A Review!

We are always trying to improve here at Florida State Home Inspectors. We do this by listening to you, our clients. We have now made it easier to leave us your feedback! Just use the short form below and let us know your thoughts. Thank you! [hms_testimonials_form]

Home Inspectors in Boca Raton Florida

Home Inspectors in Boca Raton Florida - If you have typed that search into Google you will notice that there are many home inspectors to choose from. So which is the right one for you? Well, obviously I am going to mention that I am a well qualified home inspector,...

Missing Breakers

When you look at this electric panel here, it doesn't exactly give you a warm, fuzzy feeling that it is completely safe... But the item that I am focusing on here is the missing breakers. You will notice that two of the breakers are missing. Why is this an issue? One...

Main Plumbing Vents

Do you know where your main plumbing vent is? Many people don't, as is evident by the picture below, many times I see the main plumbing vent covered by stairs, paint, bushes and vines, trim, and almost anything else. Why is this an issue? Your main drain vent allows...

Missing Handrails

Missing handrails are a common  thing to see on a home inspection here in Parkland FL. Why is this an issue though? First, it is a safety issue. Children, the elderly, even a healthy young adult. No one wants to take a fall down the stairs to say the least. Second, it...

Home Inspection Photo – Sept. 2015

In this month's home inspection picture, we see a humble laundry shoot. While these are convenient, when they are unprotected like this one is children and pets can easily fall in and get injured. Be sure to securely cover these if you have a laundry shoot like this...