Ways To Spot A Home Repair Scam

Unfortunately, in this day and age, we cannot trust everyone we meet. When it comes to getting work done on our home, we must be especially on our guard. As home inspectors, we see firsthand the results of dishonest tradespeople. You do not have to fall victim to home...

Should You Be Present For Your Boca Raton Home Inspection?

Are you about to buy a new home? Perhaps you are a first-time buyer? The buying and selling process can be a stressful one, with many things to think about. We know that one of the most important steps to a successful purchase is to have a home inspection performed,...

Preparing Your Home For Getting Older

No one wants to think about this, but as we get older, we might want to start thinking about ways we will want to adjust our home to be more convenient in the future. What do we mean you might ask? Well, with advancing age, very often comes various health issues,...

Reasons You Should Have Your Well Water Tested

In a previous blog we have discussed where our drinking water comes from. What about those of us who use a well to supply the households water? Is it assumed that it is safe for consumption? Should we feel any concern about drinking it? As you will see from this short...

Where Does Your Drinking Water Come From?

Having a safe, reliable water source is something all of us want and many of us have. But do we actually know much about our drinking water? Where does it come from? How safe is it? These are important questions to ask? Where does our water come from? Heavier...

Do You Need Help With The Selling Process?

Are you about to sell or buy a home?  What are some of the first as well as the most critical steps in this whole process?  Where can you go to receive objective, professional advice?  Someone who will have your best interests?  This video...