What Are Brominated Fire Retardants?

In order to reduce the chances of catching light, simple home products such as furnishings often include brominated flame or fire retardants (BFRs). On the face of it, this sounds like a great idea but recent years have seen a real cause for concern regarding the...

Testing For BackDrafting

Backdrafting can be dangerous to the health of those who occupy a building, so knowing about it and fixing it are very important. For inspectors, the most simple test involves releasing smoke into the draft diverter to see what happens. Using a chemical puffer or...

Common Remodelling Mistakes

In case you intend to remodel just so to increase the market value of your house for a resale, be careful not to make the following mistakes: Renovating your house in such a way that it becomes larger or more beautiful than most of the other houses in the area. This...

Steel Foundation Systems

The Fast Track Foundation System® is a series of structural corrugated steel wall panels positioned along an existing in-place structure, then cast into place, creating a foundation wall. The foundation panels can be used for new construction, foundation...