In case you intend to remodel just so to increase the market value of your house for a resale, be careful not to make the following mistakes:
Renovating your house in such a way that it becomes larger or more beautiful than most of the other houses in the area. This may not necessarily increase its value by a big margin.
Addition of spas or pools attracts buyers and repels them as well in most markets because of the cost of maintenance buyers do not want to deal with and the drowning risks it poses to young children. You may want to inquire from your InterNACHI inspector about which remodelling projects potential buyers may consider dangerous.
Upgrading to your own personal taste instead of trying to satiate potential buyers. Daring details such as colourful gadgets may drive away potential buyers.
Placing your trust on TV shows with a theme that asserts the positive investment value of remodelling. These TV shows are only successful if people continue to view them, and not by the application of their claims in reality. Purchasing an item or a project at retail price and then hoping to resell it at a profitable price most particularly in the future is not a really good financial plan.