We’re going to continue the theme of lowering our household costs this month with some tips and tricks for cutting down your electricity bills. Electricity is a major household expense but also a necessary one. However, with just a few small changes, you can significantly reduce this cost. Here’s how to do it:

As we mentioned last month, turning off lights and appliances when not in use helps with cooling costs, but it also uses less electricity. One item we tend to use a lot in the home is a computer. If you can, switch it off when you are not using it. If it has to stay on, try to turn off the monitor. If you have the choice between using a desktop or a laptop computer, it is better to use the laptop as it uses a lot less electricity.

Many people do not realize that laptop and cell phone chargers use electricity even when they are not charging their devices, so try and remember to unplug them when not in use.

Is it time to replace any of your old appliances or electronics? If so, replace them with ones that are ENERGY STAR rated – this will help cut down on energy consumption.

Another thing that can drive up the cost of electricity is the position of the refrigerator and freezer. If the refrigerator is positioned in direct sunlight, close to the stove or dishwasher, or near a heating vent, it will use a lot more energy to stay cool.

These are just a few simple ways to cut down on the amount of electricity you use in your home. It may surprise you how much it helps to lower your monthly electricity bills.