Having a safe, reliable water source is something all of us want and many of us have. But do we actually know much about our drinking water? Where does it come from? How safe is it? These are important questions to ask?

Where does our water come from?

Heavier populated places like cities and towns usually have water sourced from a lake, river or reservoir. This is known as a surface water source. The source is not necessarily in your locality, but could be some miles away from the area it is supplying.

In more rural locations, however, the water most likely comes from a well. In this case the water usually comes from a natural underground reservoir or aquifer.

In either case, just the water itself is not the only thing to look at to know if the water is safe or not. The surroundings of the body of water need to be looked at as well. For instance, what is the surrounding land used for? Is it mostly farmland or more industrial? This surrounding area is referred to as the water shed.

How can you get specific information about your water source?

Did you know that since 1999 all community water suppliers must make available an annual report for its customers? This report contains information about the waters source and any contaminates that might be found in it.

Please contact us if you would like any information.