Home Inspections in Boca Raton – As I type that I think about how much I love Boca Raton, and how much I love performing home inspections here. It is not just a job, it’s a passion. This is where I chose to raise my family, live, and enjoy life
I also think about all of the new home inspectors who constantly come and go. These new home inspectors expect that home inspections in Boca Raton will be easy, but that is far from the truth. It takes hard work and grit to be a true Boca Raton Home Inspector.
The first time a new home inspector is standing on a roof during a home inspection in Boca Raton in 100 mph+ wind in 110 degree weather and then have to stare down a snake in a crawlspace that the client didn’t think anyone could get into, they tend to rethink things a bit. But those are the experiences I live for.
So in short, home inspections in Boca Raton take a great deal of experience, grit, and heart. Contact me today and see why so many in Boca Raton continue to choose me as their home inspector!