A backyard swimming pool is a real luxury to be enjoyed by family, friends, and most especially children. Although owning your own pool can be a lot of fun, it could, unfortunately, become a place of tragedy if proper safety measures have not been adhered to. What are some of these safety measures?

Perhaps the most important safety step any pool owner should take is to set up a pool barrier around the swimming pool. Pool barriers can be made with fencing or a wall, etc. but, whatever it is made of it must be able to prevent a child from gaining access to the pool unsupervised. You will also need to ensure that the pool barrier meets certain height requirements. It must be able to stop a child from climbing over or even from crawling under it.

Do you need a pool barrier for above-ground swimming pools? Yes. You should have a barrier for any type of pool, including hot tubs and spas.

Can the home’s exterior walls be considered a pool barrier? Yes. However, you would need to take some extra safety measures. For example, doors and windows that lead to the pool area should have locks fitted. It is also a good idea to have alarms connected to them that would go off when anyone exits or enters the home. The alarm should be loud enough for anyone to hear in any part of the house.