When you have children in the home, you need to think about things from a different perspective. For example, you might never have considered the possibility that your furniture would fall over, but a child could use a dresser as a stair to climb, causing it to tip. Fortunately, there are people that have considered that possibility and provide the solution – tip-over brackets. You probably have seen these before, since they come included with a lot of furniture, but a large majority of people end up throwing them out. To protect your children, you shouldn’t do that. Tip-over brackets aren’t very difficult to install, and you will be happy to have them when your child decides to climb something when you are not looking.

You should always make sure that the bracket is installed in the middle of a wooden stud, or if that isn’t feasible, in a wall anchor that can hold the weight. It should also be firmly attached to the piece of furniture. You don’t want either end to pull loose if the furniture is starting to tip.