A beautifully landscaped garden will make your home instantly more appealing, but should aesthetics be the only factor when designing an outdoor space? Landscape shading can be incorporated into the design. What are the advantages of landscape shading?

Landscape shading can actually save you money on your home’s energy bills. How? By planting trees and shrubs in strategically thought-out places so that they provide the home with shade during the hottest parts of the day. When done correctly, landscape shading can reduce your home’s indoor temperature by as much as 9 degrees. I’m sure you’ll agree that this makes a huge difference on a hot day.

The key to success with landscape shading is knowing which kinds of trees and shrubs to use, as well as knowing the exact spot to plant them so that they provide shade in the right place at the right time of day. Naturally, this is something that requires a great deal of planning.

Another thing to be aware of with landscape shading is that it is a long-term project, especially if you are planting young trees and shrubs as it may take some time for them to reach their full height and provide you with the maximum amount of shade.