No one wants to think about this, but as we get older, we might want to start thinking about ways we will want to adjust our home to be more convenient in the future. What do we mean you might ask? Well, with advancing age, very often comes various health issues, limited mobility being one of them. There is also perhaps a more limited income when retirement comes. What are some of the things you can do way ahead of time to prepare?

Are you considering any home improvements? If you are, you might also want to incorporate features that would be easy to use for anyone with limited mobility. What types of features would these be?

Perhaps if you are redoing the flooring, you could consider slip resistant flooring or low density carpet.

Think about installing easy to clean surfaces, a central vacuum system, intercoms or video phones. You may want to think about installing better lighting in areas like closets. If you are planning to redo the closet, add adjustable shelving and hanging rods, also make the door easy to open.

These are some of the easier to do things that in the long term would help someone who is aging to be able to stay in their home for longer. There are many more things that can be done and we will discuss these in future articles.

If you have any questions, please contact us.