Some of us like to take a shower in the morning to wake up, while others prefer taking one in the evening before going to bed. Whatever your preference is, you probably would prefer it if your shower was hot, wouldn’t you? It really helps loosen up your muscles and refresh you. Unfortunately, not everyone has a shower that provides that experience. Some homeowners are dealing with showers that just give them lukewarm water. There are many possible causes for this issue. It could be a faulty setting on your water heater, a failing pressure-balancing valve, buildup in your hot water pipe, or many other things. It might help you to figure out the problem if you get some details down first. Is it just your shower that doesn’t have hot water or is it all your faucets? What is your water heater set for? Do you have hard water in your home? If this information doesn’t help you to figure out the problem, providing it to your plumber will surely help him to figure it out.