Have you ever stopped to consider how much water you use in a day? Well, someone did, and the average number for a person is available. In the US, the number sits at around 90 gallons per day. That is more water than you would need for filling your tub to the rim. Of course our habits vary, but there could be appliances in your home that are unnecessarily wasting water. For example, an old fashioned toilet can use 7 gallons per flush. That is a lot of water, especially if there isn’t much in the toilet to flush down. If you upgrade to a modern toilet that uses less water, and that has a dual flush that gives you the option of doing a smaller flush if that is all that is needed, this will make a huge difference in your usage.

Showers are also big water wasters, and you can cut down on the water used by not having it running constantly while in the shower. Instead, turn the water off when you are soaping up.