Termites in Boca Raton Florida – Here in Boca Raton, termites are a real concern. Many times we are walking or sitting outside at night and we see termites that are swarming, but don’t even recognize them as termites. Termites can at times eat through several feet of framing in just a few short weeks, or even more at times. So how can you tell if you have a termite problem?

Termites are very difficult to find, and their damage is more often than not hidden from the naked eye. But there are some things you can look for. First, look for mud tubes. These are generally the most obvious sign of a termite problem. Then, look for their damage (if it can be seen). Termite damage tends to look a lot like carpenter ant damage, but carpenter ants clean their tunnels whereas termites tend to pack in “frass” into the tunnels. Look at the picture below for an example of this. If you have anything that looks like that in your home, call a qualified pest control operator immediately.

Termites in Boca Raton Florida