Many people wonder: If a wind mitigation inspection is not required, then why get one? That is a very valid question. We have enough inspection, regulations, and other required things to do in life. So why add this? There are actually very good reasons.
Unlike most inspections which search for things that ARE there, a wind mitigation inspection looks for things that may or may not be ready for… well, wind. Wind mitigation inspections are very important, especially for a “windy” area like Boca Raton. Do you know if your roof is ready for the next hurricane that happens to come through here? Was anything damaged in the last one that you don’t know about? What about your hurricane strapping? These are all good questions that a wind mitigation inspection can help you discover.
The other reason is monetary. A wind mitigation is something that does not usually cost you anything in the end – in fact, it makes you money – well, saves you money. The first year of insurance savings usually pays for the wind mitigation inspection and then some. Then you get to enjoy the savings for many years after that.
So contact us today for your wind mitigation inspection!